Materi selanjutnya saya
akan mencoba membahas mengenai Customer Relationship Management (CRM), sebelum
itu mari kita mengenal apa arti dari CRM sendiri itu apa, Customer Relationship
Management sendiri merupakan suatu hubungan antara custormer dengan management
sebuah perusahaan dll. CRM juga merupakan strategi bisnis menyuluruh dari suatu
perusahaan yang memungkinkan perusahaan tersebut bisa mengelola hubungan dengan
pelanggan secara efektif.
Berikut ini beberapa
definisi khusus yang dikemukakan oleh pakar – pakar manajemen terkemuka di dunia
mengenai CRM :
“ The infrastructure
that enables the delineation of and increase in Customer value, and the correct
means by which to motivate valuable Customer to remain loyal-indeed, to buy
again.” (Dyche,2002,p4)
“ A customer
relationship management (CRM) system, by its simplest definition, is a process
to compile information that increases understanding of how to manage an
organization’s relationship with its customers.” (Zigmund, 2003,p3)
“ The process of
acquiring, retaining and growing profitable Customrs.” (Brown, 2000, p8)
“CRM is defined as an
integrated sales , marketing, and service strategy that precludes lone
showman-ship and that depends on coordinated enterprise-wide actions.”
(Kalakota & Robinson, 2001, p172)
“A CRM system attempts
to provide an integrated approach to all aspects of interaction a company has
with its customers, including marketing, sales and support. The goal of a CRM
system is to use technology to forge a strong relationship between a business
and its customers. To look at CRM in another way, the business is seeking to
better manage its own enterprise around customer behaviors”. (Martin et al, 2005,
“ CRM uses information
technology to create a cross-functional enterprise system that integrates and
automates many of the customer serving processes in sales, marketing, and
product services that interact with a company’s customers. CRM systems also
create an IT framework that integrates all of these processes with the rest of
a company’s business operations. CRM systems consist of a family of software
modules that perform the business activities involved in such front office
processes. CRM software provides the tools that enable a business and its
employees to provide fast, convenient, dependable, and consistent service to
its customers.” (O’Brien, 2002, p.130)
sekian postingan mengenai Definisi dari CRM dari berbagi pakar-pakar yang terkemuka di dunia.
sekian postingan mengenai Definisi dari CRM dari berbagi pakar-pakar yang terkemuka di dunia.
wah makasih gan udah dibagiin info mengenai definisi dari para ahli yang menurut saya bisa di simpulkan mengenai crm yang dapat dartikan sebagai kemampuan atau usaha dari perusahaan untuk terus menjaga hubungan dengan para pelanggannya